Monday, February 24, 2014

#5 Teens Experiences With Prison

Although this article is not about gang members in prison, I think it is a good example of what can happen to these gang members if they continue with their bad attitude and mischievous crimes. A teenager who participates in gang activity is set up to do awful things like sell drugs, hurt people, rob stores, and more. In carrying out these activities, this teenager could be caught and arrested, leaving them with the only option but to go to prison.

This article tells the stories of four teens who have been sent to prison. One girl is serving a life sentence at the age of only 17 years old. She speaks about how she was so scared when she arrived and  tried to make herself look tougher than she feels. She is afraid to spend the rest of her life in jail. She can not have a job, a family, or any freedom.

Another boy is awaiting his sentence. He talks about his opinion about what prison is all about. "I think prison is not a rehabilitation and it's just there for us to kill each other or to get that mentality that we're nothing." With this mindset it must be extremely hard to picture the rest of your life.

1 comment:

  1. 3. After reading your post I was shocked to learn that people as young as me are committing crimes bad enough to go to jail for a life time. Their views on jail and how it does not help, but break people is also very interesting. From the outside looking in jail does seem horrible and scary but necessary because those people have committed such awful crimes. The boy who is getting a life sentence I can not help but feel sorry for even though he did something so horrible he needs a life sentence. Before reading this I never considered the point of view of the criminal, and now that I have it is strange to think that they have feelings too.
