Monday, February 3, 2014

#3 Video: The Gila River Indian Community's Gangs

When we think of gangs and the violence they cause on their communities, we may mostly think of this happening in big cities. This video demonstrates that not only are gangs an issue in cities, but also the places that are a little bit less populated. Officer Osife talks about the gangs in the Gila River Indian Community and shows us that we do not have to be in New York City to be effected by gangs.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this topic about violence is really important and relevant today. I usually think of violence being in large cities so it's interesting to think that gangs and violence are present in smaller areas. I also thought that the video was informative and interesting when police officer Osife talked about gangs in smaller areas. I think that we should be informed about violence and gangs, not only in large cities, but also around the areas that we live in.
