Sunday, April 13, 2014

#11 Revised Research

In the survey I have seen that people are in fact proving my hypothesis true, stating that they see how gangs are harmful and corruptive. Only a couple participants have identified family aspects with gangs. Not many people have participated in the survey yet, but I assume that once I urge more people to participate, the results will vary more. I know that a majority of the participants will only see negative aspects and will not be able to match the positives to the gangs. I hope that participants with open and creative minds will be able to identify the gangs as positive for some members, as well as see the negative aspects.

Monday, April 7, 2014

#10 Research Plan

I have decided to use a survey to figure out what people think about gangs and the aspects of gangs. I will use an online survey with google. I am going to put the survey on Facebook or Twitter asking anybody who wants, to take the survey anonymously. I will also ask family friends to go to the link to take the survey as well and ask them to pass it along to a couple of their friends as well. It will be open to both males and female, and age, and any social class. I predict that people will just know about the stereotypically bad things about a gang, thinking that it is only violent and bad for people. Some may see the so called "family" aspect along with the support and trust it instills in people who join. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#9 Research Analysis: Survey

I've decided that my research method would be best carried out in a survey. I will ask people what the first thing they think of is when they think of gangs. Many people don't see the positives seen by new members of gangs. I can also ask about what they think gang member would look like or act like. Gang members have stereotypical appearance but many do not look like a gang member; they look like normal people you would see anywhere. I will come up with several more questions for the survey but my general idea is to show that many gang members do not look, act, or think the way people usually think.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

#8 Research Summary

I have read many articles and watched several videos about gang life. I have seen most of the negatives along with my previous knowledge of what could happen. I have also found that there can be positives to gang life and that it can help some people. Gangs give outcasted teens, and even outcasted adults, something to be a part of. They teach them that no matter what someone will always be there for them.

However, the negatives certainly do outweigh the positives. Murder, rape, assault, robbery, etc. are not something that should be accepted. Sometimes hip hop and rap glorify gangs and make people think that it is okay to be part of a gang and to be part of something that is harming society. Teens are being sent to prison with life sentences because of crimes they have committed in a gang. Because of gang life these 17, 16, and even 15 year olds are being tried as adults because of such awful crimes.

It would be impossible to try to get rid of all gangs, but if they were to go away, considering the negative aspects it may not be such a bad thing. However, the positives could be taken into consideration. Organizations could be set up to help outcasts feel like they have something to belong to. Sort of like a Boys and Girls Club.

Monday, March 10, 2014

#7 Gang Members Speak Out

In this video a few gang members recall their experiences and tell of the situations they have been in. From the interviews you can get a general idea of what life is like when involved with a gang or gang-like activity. The beginning talks of a "way out," giving the sense that a gang is something that you can not escape from without great effort. The gangs seem to have such an intense impact on these people. One man even speaks about how he decided to get clean and sober because he tried to kill his family. These gangs have such impact on these people that it is hard for some to realize that it is a problem. But those who do realize tend to do something about it to ensure the safety of their family, friends, and themselves. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

#6 "A Gangfree Life"

This article is a very subjective view of gang life and what happens to a person as a gang member. The author only seems to focus on the negative, such as jail time and putting others in danger. To be honest, those aspects are very harmful and awful, but there are things that seem good to a person who joins a gang.

Most teenagers who join a gang are looking to belong to something and to be cared for and looked after. A gang provides this comfort to these kids and makes them feel like they have a true family looking out for them and helping them.

Although the negatives affect the safety and wellbeing of the member, the positives can help a person's confidence and way of life. It seems like a very twisted way to think about it, but if you look at it from a new member's point of view, all they are trying to do is be a part of something that they think matters.

Monday, February 24, 2014

#5 Teens Experiences With Prison

Although this article is not about gang members in prison, I think it is a good example of what can happen to these gang members if they continue with their bad attitude and mischievous crimes. A teenager who participates in gang activity is set up to do awful things like sell drugs, hurt people, rob stores, and more. In carrying out these activities, this teenager could be caught and arrested, leaving them with the only option but to go to prison.

This article tells the stories of four teens who have been sent to prison. One girl is serving a life sentence at the age of only 17 years old. She speaks about how she was so scared when she arrived and  tried to make herself look tougher than she feels. She is afraid to spend the rest of her life in jail. She can not have a job, a family, or any freedom.

Another boy is awaiting his sentence. He talks about his opinion about what prison is all about. "I think prison is not a rehabilitation and it's just there for us to kill each other or to get that mentality that we're nothing." With this mindset it must be extremely hard to picture the rest of your life.