Sunday, March 16, 2014

#8 Research Summary

I have read many articles and watched several videos about gang life. I have seen most of the negatives along with my previous knowledge of what could happen. I have also found that there can be positives to gang life and that it can help some people. Gangs give outcasted teens, and even outcasted adults, something to be a part of. They teach them that no matter what someone will always be there for them.

However, the negatives certainly do outweigh the positives. Murder, rape, assault, robbery, etc. are not something that should be accepted. Sometimes hip hop and rap glorify gangs and make people think that it is okay to be part of a gang and to be part of something that is harming society. Teens are being sent to prison with life sentences because of crimes they have committed in a gang. Because of gang life these 17, 16, and even 15 year olds are being tried as adults because of such awful crimes.

It would be impossible to try to get rid of all gangs, but if they were to go away, considering the negative aspects it may not be such a bad thing. However, the positives could be taken into consideration. Organizations could be set up to help outcasts feel like they have something to belong to. Sort of like a Boys and Girls Club.

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